ALSDE Eligibility Forms:
Environmental Cultural and or Economic Concerns Reeval
Initial or Reevaluation Written Agreement
Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation
Notice and Consent for Reevaluation
Notice and Consent for the Provision of Special Education Services
Notice and Consent Regarding Payment from Medicaid Benefits
Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services
Notice and Invitation to a Meeting Consent for Agency Participation
Notice of IEP Teams Decision Regarding Reevaluation
Notice of Proposal or Refusal to Take Action
Notice of Revocation of Consent for Initial Evaluation
Written Agreement to Amend IEP
Record of Access to Student Records
Notice of Revocation of Consent
Notice of Proposal or Refusal to Take Action
Notice and Invitation to a Meeting Consent for Agency Participation
Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services
Notice and Consent for the Provision of Special Education Services
Manifestation Determination Review
Individualized Education Program
Assessment Pages:
Pre ACT Accommodation Support Checklist
Individual Accessibility & Accommodation Support Checklist
Alt Access for ELL Accommodations Checklist
ACT WorkKeys Accessibility & Accommodations Support Checklist
ACT with Writing Accommodation Support Checklist
Access for ELLs Paper Accommodations Checklist
Access for ELLs Online Accommodations Checklist