The following is a summary of the DeKalb County Board of Education Medication Policy.
1. Student’s Responsibilities:
a. Students will not deliver medications to the school.
b. Students may self-medicate only when they have met the criteria for self-administration according to policy.
c. Students who have doctor’s authorization to have medication on their person i.e. asthma inhalers, or epi-pens, will not share medication with other students.
d. Students will notify their teacher/school personnel at the onset of any distress or allergic reaction. The student will know where medication is kept and be familiar with personal action plan.
2. Parent’s Responsibilities:
a. The parent/guardian at home will give most medication. Medication prescribed for three times a day should be given at home, just before leaving for school, upon returning home in the afternoon, and at bedtime. The only exception to this schedule is medication that must be given before or along with meals. Contact the principal if there are other special conditions that need to be taken under consideration. The first dose of a new medication should not be given at school in case of an allergic reaction.
b. The parent/guardian will obtain a signed statement from a licensed prescriber that includes the name of the student, name of the medication with the dosage, route, frequency and time of administration. The statement needs to include the date of the order and the discontinuation date if applicable. Any known drug allergies or reactions are to be recorded. If the medication order is changed during the school year, an updated, signed prescriber statement is necessary.
c. The parent/guardian must sign a consent form before medication is given at school. This authorizes school personnel to administer the medication during the school hours.
d. The parent/guardian should bring the medication in a correctly labeled pharmacy container that includes the student’s name, name of medication, strength, dosage, time interval, route and date of drug’s expiration as appropriate. If the parent provides sample medication from the health care provider’s office, the sample should have specific written nstructions. Non - prescription medication must be in the original container with the student’s name written on it.
e. The parent/guardian will supply any equipment that will be needed in administering medication such as a measuring cup.
f. When the medication is complete, out of date, or at the end of the school year, parents will need to pick up any unused medicine. Medication not picked up by the parents will be destroyed in the presence of a witness by the principal, his/her designee, or school nurse.
3. School’s Responsibility
a. The principal and the school nurse will designate and train specific personnel who shall ensure the correct student gets the correct medication, in the correct dosage, by the correct route, at the correct interval, and with the correct documentation.
b. Medication is to be stored in the original pharmacy container. Medication is to be stored in a secure locked clean container or cabinet. edications requiring refrigeration should be refrigerated in a secure area, not easily accessible by students. Medication should not be stored in food storage areas. No more than a 6 week supply of medication should be stored at school.
c. The administration of medication is a serious procedure. Physician’s orders and written procedures should be strictly followed.
d. Students may have side effects from the medication that will require attention.
e. The first dose of a new medication should not be given at school in case of an allergic reaction.
f. Oral medication should not be administered to a student who is vomiting or has recently vomited.
g. Two people must count controlled substance drugs. If in doubt whether the medication is a controlled substance or not, count the medication and record on the administration record.
h. Medication not picked up at the end of the school year will be destroyed in the presence of a witness.